Design, full-stack dev + visualization
Created in collaboration with the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology, the Map for Grasslands website was created as an advocacy tool to raise awareness about the dramatic loss of grasslands happening across the United States. The site was built in support of upcoming proposed legislation at the federal level to protect national grasslands, in a similar fashion to the North American Wetlands Conservation Act.
Over the past century, over 60% of America's grasslands have vanished due to human influences. This has led to devastating species loss: for example, the Northern Bobwhite has declined by 81% over the past two decades.
The website first walks the user through a high-level story about grasslands loss, and then allows the user to select specific wildlife species to see different trends. On the site you can:
- Visually see the loss of grasslands across the continental U.S. using dynamic scrollyelling transitions
- Compare regionally specific grassland loss with side-by-side, linked interaction Leaflet maps
- Explore the loss happening to specific species through abundance trend data, migration data, and habitat range
- Customize the interactive map to add or remove data layers at will, highlighting loss of a specific species
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